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Stand on a System-Based Platform

Our systems-based technology platform is built to support your work by harnessing the power of Adaptive Spine Intelligence™.
We consult with you and your team to integrate UNiD™ ASI seamlessly into your practice.

LAB - Engineering Services

Strategic Planning Accuracy Through Case Planning Services

UNiD LAB ™ is our team of biomedical engineers who work collaboratively with you to simulate surgical strategies and technologies using propprietary data and algorithms with detailed outcome reporting.

TEK - Personalized Implant

Precision Through Personalization. Intra-operative plan confirmation by aligning the case plan with patient-specific implants.

UNiD ™ TEK is our range of patient-specific implants delivered just-in-time for surgery. You can focus on your case with the optimized implant solutions ready before stepping foot into the O.R.

HUB - Predictive Modeling

Iterative Predictive Analytics. Mine your pre, intra, and post op data to identify tendencies, correlations, and outcomes and fuel the machine learning and predictive modeling to improve patient outcomes and drive efficiences throughout the process.

UNiD™ HUB is our software interface. It digests scientific data to generate intelligent surgical planning through machine learning while simultaneously allowing you to perform detailed, custom analyses of your cases and manage the entire workflow from pre-op to post-op phase.
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